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About Ciera

What’s Ciera’s sign?

Sagittarius sun, Capricorn moon, Sagittarius rising. Such lazy ambition.

What got Ciera obsessed…

One of my awesome colleagues told me she sat all of her students based on their zodiac signs and it was the first year she didn’t have to rearrange seats…I was skeptical but intrigued. Once I did it myself I was BLOWN AWAY and knew that zodiac had to be legit. Never told my students that was how I made the seating chart…

Ciera is currently…

Right now I'm living my best life in Paris. This podcast has taken over daily life in the best way and astrology readings have become my livelihood. If I'm not recording or editing the podcast then I'm doing some sort of crafty activity (bullet journaling, crocheting, you name it), or learning a new musical instrument. I’m married to a wacky Aquarius, and cat mom to the world’s cutest cat named Gaston. He’s a bilingual Pisces.

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About Martha

What’s Martha's sign?

Leo sun, Scorpio Moon, Gemini rising. Fiery, chatty, keeper of secrets. 

What got Martha obsessed…

Growing up if you asked me what I wanted to do when I was older I would tell you an astronomer. Not quite the same thing, but in my child mind, it was the same thing. My favorite gift each year for Christmas was my Leo horoscope book for the upcoming year! In adulthood I have always found comfort in astrology and have used it as a portal into self awareness. 

Martha is currently…

Teaching yoga and doing astrological readings, and sometimes even mixing the two. I live in Paris, France with my little fire sign family and try to escape the big city life to connect with nature all together as much as possible. When I’m not dabbling in the magic you can find me vigorously research any and all topics possible, living my Gemini rising best life.

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About Mimí

What’s Mimí's sign?

Aries sun, Taurus moon, Leo rising. Trailblazer and animal appreciator. 

Mimí Folco, originally from San Francisco CA, has found her home in Columbia County, NY where she has founded her little witchy business, 'Harvey Mountain Alchemy.' Using Tarot, Astrology, Numerology & Reiki as tools to explore the self and uncover a higher consciousness, Mimí has found her passion in helping her clients heal during transformational periods. To her, Astrology is a language that can help others understand the deeper aspects of life and in turn, gain a better understanding of their own inner workings. Her goal as a reader is to help you achieve the best version of yourself and to value your own contributions.

In everything she does, Mimí brings her values to the table: compassion, truth and empowerment.

You can check out Mimí’s Tarot reading style on her YouTube Channel ‘Harvey Mountain Alchemy’ or on Instagram at and @harveymountain.alchemy.

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About Tara

What’s Tara’s sign?

Libra sun, Libra moon, Libra rising. Balanced AF.

What got Tara obsessed…

Growing up, I always read my horoscope in the tabloid magazines at my grandma’s house, or the 'hot sheets' as she called them. Then when I was in high school my mom gave me Sybil Leek’s book, “Astrological Guide to Successful Everyday Living” which made me more interested. But when Ciera taught me about moon and ascending signs, that’s when it made much more sense to me and became so much more than just fortune telling...

Tara is currently…

Currently working in administration and marketing at my Uncle’s consulting company. I live in the downtown historic district of a little town in Connecticut. It’s my favorite place in the world and I’m not even exaggerating. I bought a house here built in 1873 and when I’m not at work or recording the podcast, I’m working on restoring the house. My partner is a Cancer and my daughter is a Cancer and that is a lot of water for this Libra to live with. Luckily, we’ve had the recent addition of Theo the Great Pyrenees puppy who is a Sagittarius and has brought some balance back into my world.

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